Thursday 17 November 2011

not fully cooked?

This is me yesterday...I am still pregnant and feel like I have and will be forever. Its my due date tomorrow.
My first baby girl was born 5 days early, my second was born on her due date so I am guessing this one will be an over due one. I am going to miss been pregnant and will be sad it will never happen again but we have always said three and neither of us want any more and I am well ready to see what this little lady is going to look like. Don't want people to think I am selfish keeping her to myself haha.
Anyway I stopped taking orders on my Facebook page and website this week... which is good really because i need to have a bit of an update of all my new products.

Because I didnt have anything to do I decided to try making a little playmat for the little lady to lay and play on when shes a little older.... I was very pleased with it :)
Lets hope next time I blog i have something very exciting to show you!!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Halloween and Bonfire night!!

This is my little ladies... dress up in there halloween outfits for the halloween disco at Graces school!! 
They look so bloody cute!! 
A few days later when it was actually halloween they dressed up again and we went trick or treating with their cousin and my sister in law!! They got LOTS!! 
 Heres the pictures!

How cute do they look?

Tonight is bonfire night and we went to my mum and dads.... it was a great night, great guy, great bonfire, great BBQ (yes a bbq) great company and great fireworks! ...heres the pictures!!
My brother on the BBQ¬¬
The guy my mum made!! poor guy hah

 Grandma and the girls (my mum)
The girls ready to watch the fireworks!!
 Beastie bonfire¬

 BBQ time....yummy burgers, sausages and jacket spuds..ACE

What a good night.
Mums been making for Izzy over the past few weeks too.... A blanket , its going to lake AMAZE in my new pushchair and a beautiful keepsake patchwork blanket for her moses basket which includes a tag i got mum that says made by grandma!! sooooo pretty¬¬

Sunday 23 October 2011

Guess how old i am??

Yep....On Friday the 21st October i turned 25. It only seems a couple of years ago when i was getting sorted for my last year at school. It was infact 10 years ago!! 
i have done alot in that time tho. I married my wonderful husband! Had Grace, then Ella and now have little Isobel on the way in around 4 weeks! Its Crazy! 

I woke up on my birthday morning to Grace running in the room with her little sister following her.. she said "happy birthday mum, your old" bless her!Then they came back in with a cupcake cake with candles and they sand happy birthday to me :) ..i loved it!!

They brought me in a big white box... 
this is what was in it.
 How exciting!! 
There was also a little card in it from my hubby..
And here's what it was... my beautiful pink lining changing bag that i cannot wait to use when the baby arrives. My hubby also bought me a new sewing machine from him and the girls...but i got that a few months ago . Its amazing!!
The girls gave me my's the one from them ..
 Ella got daddy to write her side (the left hand side) and she went over it and Grace did hers all by herself! How blooming sweet! 
We decided to go to Dandilions (a soft play place) where Daves brother and wife (Dan and Layla) came with there children (Evie 3 and Alfie 5months)and Daves mum. 

Dan and layla got me a Flake cake and it was VERY nice. Evie brought me a bag with some presents and cards in... Evie had drawn me a lovely picture of me with Izzy in my tummy. Super cute! 
I got a box of chocolates and something i have been after for ages....the first gameboy they brought out with 3 games.. tetris, mario and mario 2! I will live on it! ha  

After having fun there we came home and i cleaned...damn nesting ! ha 

My mum got me some lovely slippers for my birthday and my favorite chocolate....yum. 
My brother got me a beautiful cake stand and matching mixing bowl set! I will have to use them very soon!!
I also got money from friends and family which i will be saving for when i have had this baby for some new clothes! 
I had a good day which ended with a visit from Em and Chris and a chinese ... duck pancakes and lemon chicken! Ace. Thanks hubby! 
Here's me with BOTH my cakes!

Also this week was Graces school Halloween disco! The girls dressed as nasty cute! 

Half term time now...yeah!! 

Sunday 18 September 2011

Not blogged in a while... heres what i have been up to !

I have been getting VERY big!!
Here i am at 31 weeks pregnant...I truly cant belive that i only have 9 weeks to go!
I have mixed feelings about this.
- i cant wait to meet our little girl
-i am scared stiff about giving birth to her (tho never was with my other 2??)
- i am going to be happy to be able to walk and move without hurting and puffing and panting
-i love my much bigger boobs
-i love having a bump
-i love feeling her move about...when she is doing it and i can still breathe! 
-i cant wait to get slim
-i cant wait for it to be over
-and i dont want it to be over because i will NEVER be going thorough all this again as me and my husband always said we wanted three kids and this is the third and we still only want 3!
So as you can tell i have mixed feelings...but now once shes cooked a little bit more she can come into this crazy world and become part of our crazy busy life!!
We have everything we need and even picked up our lovely pushchair, car seat and carrycot this week!!
Its a Quinny Buzz Limited edition Curious colours! and it has a beautiful black frame....

I cant wait to use it...and my hubby is very happy that its not a girly girly pushchair and he can get away with pushing it around with out looking a bit girly hehe.
I Made Isobel some bits for when she is born over this couple of weeks...and i even picked some special material to do it in ...the cotton is Riley blake and i love it...bright bold cupcakes and Pink minky dot on the other side i made a Ribbon comforter
I also made a matching burp cloth to put over my sholder ..also with cute tags
and with the left over fabric i made this ribbon shape so she has a matching set haha

My mum has also been busy making (knitting) She made this lovely set for a lady

and a new product that will be very useful in these up and coming months
..earwarmers with cute flowers on. She made both my girls one and has now been making lots of orders for adult ones.

There super cute!

I also came up with a clever idea (if i do say so myself)  i bought come dummy clips a while ago and i really dont know why as i have no desire to make them but i thought if i join 2 together with ribbon then when Isobel is weaning and eating crazy things that stain! And i know theres lots of things that do because i had lots of stained bibs from my other 2 and sometimes wouldnt take enough spares out with me when shopping etc and tucking a napkin into a baby/ toddlers top is impossible when they pull it striaght back out so i made this....

(excuse my daughters face)
I used my 2 and a half year old daughter to model it as its going to be a LONG while till i need it for the baby with her not even been born yet. But all you have to do is grab a napkin from a cafe and keep this handy gadget in your bag and you can feed your baby and keep them clean :)

Grace is enjoying been back at school and has taken to 5 full days well (she was doing two full and one half)
She had an 'insperation day' where she had to dress up as a pirate so i bought some stripy socks and made the rest of the outfit myself...she was VERY impressed with her sewn skull and crossbones top.

HEHE i loved it...she looked so sweet and it was crazy hearing all the kids in the playground before school going arggggghhhh!!

It was nice to have her (and her sister) home at the weekend and we had a good day together (daddy was at work) doing lots of crafts and i even put beads in their hair at their request he he! Least i got to play hairdressers with them and not them with me!!

right...and last but not least (what a crazy mixed up blog i write)
one day when grace was at school , ella was playing with her toys and i walked passed to go make a brew and this is what i saw! I thought it was rather odd...maybe they had been naughty but she lined them all up under the table , face down!??
poor things!

Thursday 8 September 2011

Gala, Haircuts and Big girls!!

We went to the Scunthorpe Tata steel Gala last husband gets free tickets as he works there and we go EVERY year....the first thing the girls wanted to do was get their faces painted! and i much say i was VERY impressed!!
The girls had a go on a game where you pull a random string and see whats on the end and then you get it! They loved it and the money went to Lindsay lodge hospice where my Wonderful grandma went in her final days of fighting Caner any money that goes there is WELL worth it!
Then we went to go watch some eagles and the girls LOVED it!
Then we saw the girls Nanna and Grandad there and they couldnt resist a ride on the train with their Grandad!!
They had a go on some fab wooden swings ......daddy pushed while i ate dominos pizza! they were selling single slices at the gala! WELL IMPRESSED!!
Then we HAD to get the girls a fireman hat...Dave usually goes every year with his fire engine from work and they show people round it but this year he wanted to go round with me and the girls :)
Then we went to the fair but and the girls went on a disney train and went in the princess cariage and then on  a pirate ship....i hope these kids love rides when they are older because me and daddy love love love them xx

What a fab day!!

Well the summer holidays are up and we decided that we were going to get Graces hair cut before she started school as she wanted a we took her the day she started!
and AFTER!!

she loves it and i love it too! Cant belive how different she looks!!
The next day was the big day...Graces first day at big girl school.5 days a week ...argh!! I dont think i am ready for it....i want her at home! She loved it . not one bit nervous, more excited and i had to fight tears back!! Man i love my little she is before her first day at school ....beautiful!!

I love her!