Sunday 23 October 2011

Guess how old i am??

Yep....On Friday the 21st October i turned 25. It only seems a couple of years ago when i was getting sorted for my last year at school. It was infact 10 years ago!! 
i have done alot in that time tho. I married my wonderful husband! Had Grace, then Ella and now have little Isobel on the way in around 4 weeks! Its Crazy! 

I woke up on my birthday morning to Grace running in the room with her little sister following her.. she said "happy birthday mum, your old" bless her!Then they came back in with a cupcake cake with candles and they sand happy birthday to me :) ..i loved it!!

They brought me in a big white box... 
this is what was in it.
 How exciting!! 
There was also a little card in it from my hubby..
And here's what it was... my beautiful pink lining changing bag that i cannot wait to use when the baby arrives. My hubby also bought me a new sewing machine from him and the girls...but i got that a few months ago . Its amazing!!
The girls gave me my's the one from them ..
 Ella got daddy to write her side (the left hand side) and she went over it and Grace did hers all by herself! How blooming sweet! 
We decided to go to Dandilions (a soft play place) where Daves brother and wife (Dan and Layla) came with there children (Evie 3 and Alfie 5months)and Daves mum. 

Dan and layla got me a Flake cake and it was VERY nice. Evie brought me a bag with some presents and cards in... Evie had drawn me a lovely picture of me with Izzy in my tummy. Super cute! 
I got a box of chocolates and something i have been after for ages....the first gameboy they brought out with 3 games.. tetris, mario and mario 2! I will live on it! ha  

After having fun there we came home and i cleaned...damn nesting ! ha 

My mum got me some lovely slippers for my birthday and my favorite chocolate....yum. 
My brother got me a beautiful cake stand and matching mixing bowl set! I will have to use them very soon!!
I also got money from friends and family which i will be saving for when i have had this baby for some new clothes! 
I had a good day which ended with a visit from Em and Chris and a chinese ... duck pancakes and lemon chicken! Ace. Thanks hubby! 
Here's me with BOTH my cakes!

Also this week was Graces school Halloween disco! The girls dressed as nasty cute! 

Half term time now...yeah!!